Get involved with the Auxiliary today!
Ways to Get Involved
- Join an existing unit. With units spanning San Diego County, there is sure to be one right for you. Contact us at 858-966-8366 or to learn more.
- Start a new unit. The Auxiliary’s Board of Directors and staff can help you get your own unit off the ground. Contact us at 858-966-8366 or to get started.
- Become a Miracle Maker. Miracle Makers are individuals, clubs, businesses or groups of friends who hold fundraising events for Rady Children’s, raising at least $500 annually. This is a great way for teens to get involved too! The Auxiliary Board of Directors and Auxiliary Staff will provide mentorship and tools needed to start a Miracle Maker project. Learn more here.
Engagement Opportunities
- The Auxiliary works with the Hospital to provide unique services aimed at easing Hospital stays of patients and their families. Programs include: Brown Bag donations, Emergency Department Clothes Closet, Bernardy Center birthday parties or child sponsorship, Alexa’s PLAYC Adopt-a-Classroom, and Chadwick Center donations.
- The Honoring, Remembrance & Celebration Funds are a touching way to commemorate loved ones. Names are inscribed in our Honoring and Remembrance books and displayed in the Rose Pavilion.
- Celebration Tiles are available for single or cumulative donations of $5,000 or more to Rady Children’s in honor or in memory of a loved one, and are displayed in the Rose Pavilion.
- Rady Children’s Ice Rink features an open-air ice skating rink and allows San Diegans to enjoy the classic winter activity here in sunny SoCal. Proceeds benefit the Peckham Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders.
- Education seminars are presented monthly by the Auxiliary and include guest speakers from various hospital departments. These sessions highlight medical trends, breakthroughs in research and technology, and stories of the miracles that happen at Rady Children’s each and every day.
- The Semi-Annual and Annual Meetings offer Auxiliary members the opportunity to come together and celebrate their accomplishments. These special events are held in Fall and June.